Saturday, March 1, 2008

had really good sex with geoff last night....almost had sex with kenny crosby.

first sher and laura took me to the bankok bistro for some birthday dinner and drinks...alll free!! wonderful. love lauras friend will. thennn we went to sherrys house for ryans parrttyy

i had a lot of shit. pizza cake and asscream and i threw it up and lied to sherilyn about it. oooops.

then we went to st rose. got high. made out with kenny, sherilyn convinced me to go to geoffs and hang out with him...that was a good idea. it was really good, remarkably better than at sherilyns hosue. probably the alcohol.

he told me that monty sortof knows and implied that he wouldnt care anyway. i found this page that was a diary of geoffs saying things like" i shouldnt be with meg right now, i have too much to worry about, i need to finish my education so i can support my family blah de blah blah. idk how i feel about dating him. i really dont think he would, but what if? what if monty found out?

geoff also told me that he never had sex with megan...since she has been his gf for what....4 years?!?!?! who has he had sex with? was i his first? sherilyn and i were definitely up there. it would explain why he was so incredibly shitty. i dont think he came...which was weird again. makes me feel unattractivce. it was probably the alcohol but he does go flaccid alot. i came though, which was really nice. i was convulsing allllll over him and he was like "yeahhh heather come on meeee " hahhahahaha im laughing at it now but sherilyn said she heard us say some of the most RIDICULOUS shit when she was standing outside.....hasfdkjhaskdfh i do remember saying someof them even if i wont admit it to her.

she can be really spitefulll and mean some times. then again i can be irratating, selfish and just as vindictive as her. ohh well. were destined to be together.

today is my 19th birthday. i probably should have said that at the beginning...but alas this is how my brain works.

i started off my birthday getting high...then making out...then gettting drunk...then fucking at 430 in the morning. geoff had to leave this morning to go work with jon because his dad paid a part of the rent that they couldnt afford because someone moved out. he said we could stay there but i didnt want to stay much longer, especially because i was supposed to go to NYC!!!!

i lost my bank card. that suckkkkkksssss
but i signed up for netflix and bought a bag at target with my moms money. retail therepy always works :)

hopefully ill get to have more sex tonihgt...even though i have a terrible pimple in the middle of my face and broken blood vessles over my eyes. im really a sight in the morning. wonder why geoff kissed me?