Friday, February 22, 2008


i really think this birth control is making me fat. and that i need more meds. i didnt take my prozac yesterday(iforgot) and i ate 10 chocolate nuggets, the rest of a chocolate cake from pfchangs( i ate too much there and swore i would be good the next day) three slices of raisin bread and countless other shit, like pasta and my leftover tofu.
i feel sooo fat and im still shitting rabbit turds. means things in my body are NOT functioning right. im nervous to try laxatives because they dont solve the problem. maybe ill stop at a heath food store today and get a detox. and by "get" i mean steal. i know i know my policy is not to steal from home owned buisnesses but i need this shit and its like 40$. i feel really fat and i need to do something. ii havent been to the gym in two days and im freaking out.

i had sex with geoff. it was terrible. tytterawkefaserieiiibbrrrible.. his penis is soo small and he is soo bad and he didnt even stay hard and even though his stomach is statue-of-david esque he is skinny (tooooo skinny) and asdklfajklasdfjil. it wasnt even "alright" sex. there was no passion like before. it was good for legit. it was off limits. he went to the bathroom to bust a load before he even had sex with either of us. he called later that night to tell me that meghan had called him 10 times because she was AT HIS HOUSE! ahhhhh soo funny. he was sleeping on sherilyn's floor and she was waiting to give him valentines day stuff back.

OH by the way geoff doesnt go out with meghan anymore.....hehe. i dont care. honestly i would say if i wanted to date him but i DONT hes LAME. i want someone new. someone smart, witty, attractive, slightly asshole, tall, clean, sane, and someone `who has his own life.